Good News (maybe?)

I’ve added disqus to the comment section on here. Now you can comment using your disqus account and not need to register here.

Hopefully this will let me get a feel for if anyone reads this drivel and if I should keep writing it.

I’m Back

Gosh what a week it’s been! As my good friend Plume has already said, I’ve had technical difficulties and posting was the impossible dream. But my laptop has returned to the fold and it appears that all is well. At least until the next great disaster. In any case a great big thank you goes out to Mr. Plume for lending a helping hand.

Soon you will notice links in my posts when I am talking about equipment and material I’m using. These will be links to Amazon in case you are remotely interested in purchasing said stuff. I will also be starting to post product reviews with links as well. If you click on the link and purchase the product, I’ll make a few cents. Who knows? Maybe in 20 years I can rent a movie.

I was keeping a running journal right up until my laptop died so here it is.

Well, it’s Thursday, of that I am fairly certain. I’ve been here since Sunday with one lightning fast trip to town. Ice and a shower, what else?

My neighbor to the north, Amos, was out for a few days. We built a table, shot the hell out of some tin cans and for my part, didn’t reallyIMG_20160517_071822989 accomplish much of anything. The table is really nice and serves well as a stand for the gas grill and Coleman stove. I had forgot how nice having an extra set of hands was when doing some so simple as building a table.

While construction was underway there was a major disaster. My generator went breasts vertical so running the air compressor was out of the question. Running the saw was dicey but we managed to
get by. Our first guess was bad gas and of course there is absolutely no provision for draining the gas short of hiring some full scale bio-hazard facility. So we let it run. And run. Along about nine o’clock that night it finally ran out of gas.

The next morning I cautiously circled the generator ready to battle while quietly confident that it was going to behave when I added known quality gas. Nope. Asshole just kept up the bad behavior.

By lunch I had taken every readily removable part off, cleaned it, lubed and re-installed. Then totally by accident I found a cable cleverly hidden behind a bunch of stuff. After a bit of tweaking I got it loose and gave it a go. Success. Needless to say I was relieved since I had read the fine print in the warranty. It essentially said “In case of failure, you’re screwed.” I have a spare generator in storage but it’s of questionable reliability.

We shot the dog crap out of some tin cans. After awhile it turned into a competition. Amos is a former Marine so needless to say he wiped the floor with me. I’m not a great shot anyway. I have a belief that quantity has a quality of its’ own. Why shoot once when you can shoot twenty times? And I broke my glasses recently so I was really at a disadvantage. Still, I won a couple of matches. I tried shutting one eye or another. I believe the best results were when I was shooting by braille with both eyes closed. Still I believe he pulled his shots a couple of times so I wouldn’t get mean and surly.

It rained for a couple of days. I ran to town the day after and the roads were a disaster. Where I was running 35 to 45 I was down to four wheel drive since the lumber companies are hauling in looseIMG_20160521_091319688_HDR sand to grade the roads. Add a good rain and it’s a real mess. On the way back in a few hours later the roads were drying well but I have to wonder what they will be like next time out.

The road in front of my place seems to have taken the rain in stride. I drove around checking swamp levels and was surprised to find that they are only slightly higher than before the rain. Before the culvert was put in they would have been flowing across the road.

Today was a big cleaning day. I did prune the muscadines back. Looking at them I doubt I’ll have any grapes this year but hopefully next year. I haven’t as yet planted the blackberries so next year is probably the best I can hope for also.

The yellow flies are getting pretty bad. This afternoon I was bit several times and probably killed about 20. They’re nasty little assholes. Their bite hurts like hell then itches like mad. The bad part is there is no known repellent or traps for them. I have fly strips up everywhere loaded with insects but very few yellow flies.

I bought some strips on Amazon that were sposed to be the ultimate deer fly solution. So Amos and I put them on our hats and walked around for two days with these strips guaranteed to stop deer flies on our hats. At the end of two days the score was a bunch of bites and a whole big two flies trapped. Guess the strips are kind of like a thirty dollar fishing lure. They catch a lot of fishermen but not all that many fish.

Woke up ready to go today. Built some coffee, put on the boots, grabbed the brush cutter and set off to slaughter hundreds of innocent brushlings. I’ve been wanting to cut a straight path to the southwest swamp so I can sit on the porch and see what is going on there. The current path sort of wanders a bit since I cut it by following the path of least resistance.

Anyway I was happily engaged in wholesale carnage when I noticed it was getting dark. The weather prediction for today was 20% chance of showers so I was sort of freaked to see the entire sky IMG_20160520_094337141_HDRcovered in black clouds. I reluctantly left the anguished screams of dying brushlings and hoofed it to the shack. By then it was thundering and lightning so I was passed by a brown streak as the Boy went by. So now we’re sitting inside waiting on the rain to quit. Actually he’s racked out sound asleep and I’m thinking of building more coffee.

Well it continued to rain off and on for the rest of the day. I was able to run out between showers and finish cutting the path. I still have to go back and clear some more on a couple of areas to be able to see everything but it’s nearly complete. A short while ago I was looking at it and realized that part of it was moving. Grabbing the binoculars I was able to make out about six baby pigs before they made it into the brush. About six a light steady rain began and it’s been raining since so I’m done for the day.

Amos brought a couple of electronic fly swatters
with him this trip. Initially I was amused by them and didn’t expect them to really work. They work. With a fresh set of batteries a mosquito or gnat will simply flash and be no more. A yellow fly will put on a light show for some time. As the batteries weaken the flashes aren’t as gratifying but impressive none the less. At one point we were surrounded by a cloud of mosquitoes. We held down the buttons and began swinging at random. Every swing resulted in flashes while filling the air with the smell of charred insects. In one night we reduced the insect population more here than I’ve been able to do the whole time I’ve been out here. I’m still using the original set of batteries so I have no idea how long they last. I was picking a fly out today and got a decent shock since I was dumb enough to have the button pushed. I want to buy some more then see if I can supercharge one using a 9 volt battery versus 2 AA cells.

Soon I have to get back to siding and painting. And put up a solar cell so I can get away from flashlights supplemented with solar powered yard lights. I have some 12 V dc compact florescent bulbs with bases so I should get moving on that. My inverter has a low voltage shut down which protects the battery but I am powering some 12 volt loads so no protection there. I’ve decided to put in a 120 volt relay then run the 12 volt hot lead through it. Lose 120 volt, relay opens, no 12 volt load. So I went to the local hardware store and asked for a 120 volt ice cube relay of about 30 amps. I was shown ice trays so it’s back to the internet for material.

Tomorrow will be another lightning fast trip to town. I don’t need ice as yet but I’ll stock up anyway. What I do need is Ziggy food. It was on the top of my list last trip but naturally I didn’t take the list so it was forgotten.

And then the laptop went south.

I did kill what I think was a fly but I’ve never seen a fly this large before. It’s possible it’s an alien visitor from another galaxy here on a peaceful mission but I don’t really think so. In the picture that is a AAA cell below it. I threw it in to show just how huge that suckerIMG_20160519_103019857_HDR was. I was afraid to try the electronic fly swatter on it just in case it really was an alien fly with Jedi powers which could cause me to beat myself to death with the swatter. So I zapped it with wasp killer.

Just Filling In (don’t kill the messenger)

Goooooood Moorrrrnnnning America!

It seems technology has failed Ishimo yet again and I have been tasked with entertaining you in this issue of “An Off Grid Adventure”.

So, let me first apologize, as english was my lowest graded class in all 16 years of “paid” education. I will do my best with current grammar checkers, spelling checkers, and a few trips to Checkers to try to make this as readable as possible. Considering the anticipated nuclear reaction to my non sequitur view point, I am going to stay incognito and you can just refer to me as Nom de Plume, of course related to the Long Island Plumes, going way back to the Plumes from across the big pond.Plume-NB

Next on the agenda, I was sent a text, well really a waterfall of texts, from Ziggy asking me to put in a few things Ish refuses to post for him. First, Ziggy says he is not getting the expected amount baloney, snausages, & and general treats he would have thought he would have gotten from such a large fan base. So he is sending out another plea for goodies. Claiming he is deserving of them because when you have a smeller that is 100 times more effective than a humans and he has to smell them, there should be a payoff. So message passed on, you all take it as you see fit


As for out on the ranch. Ish has hopefully made a deal to trade trees for clearing. The back 40 may soon see waves of amber. Draining from the culverts is still progressing to a positive result. With any luck the great flood may recede by 2025. Which of course will mean the property will become “valuable” and the rich will come in, force the taxes up, and the good hard working out. Remember when only the “poor” had small paned windows because that is all they could afford? Now you have to make a six figure paycheck to afford a 6 over 6 window pane. Do not get me wrong, I am not disparaging the notion of making money, it just seems wrong to me when people of lesser means find a way to do something, a place to call home, or create an amazing meal with little. And then a bunch of hoity toity come along, they find they like the idea, the place, or the food. And within ten years all of sudden you have to part of the “in” crowd to afford the idea, place, or food. But here I am rambling on because of well placed culverts. <Pay no attention to the crazy behind the curtain>.


Ish is still attempting to get the shower in, hard to get it done alone and the people who want to help (aka: Nom de Plume) are just too far away to swing in and assist. I am though hoping to stay at the Ishimo8 someday. Anyone who knows Ish, knows you could not ask for a better friend. Back to the shower….., Ziggy has made complaints about Ish not getting the shower in also (the nose thing I suppose).


I can not post any pictures of the Ishimo8, as I am here, not there. But I have chosen some random pictures from the internet to please your third sense.


Hope you all well

Love & Light


So Little To Say, So Much Time

I have very little to report this time. Other than a walk about all I did today was get everything put away for my trip back to town. I got here about noon, took a shower, did my vegetable imitation for a couple of hours took a nap, then tried a different vegetable for a change.

Anyway here’s some rambling stuff from the shack in the swamp.

Back in the swamp again.
I was up early today, ran to town for some last minute stuff, bought 140 pounds of ice, loaded the Boy and headed out. The roads on the way out were in very good shape so I made decent time right up until I got to my road. Even then it was fairly dry with no white knuckle driving required.

At the shack unloading was uneventful except the cooler. With 80 pounds of ice it always merits a short porch sitting event. There was a strong wind blowing so after I opened the place up it was fairly cool within minutes. The strong wind reminded me that I hadn’t finished nailing down the steel straps holding the roof on so I spent a couple of hours getting them tied in. I did a rough count and there were a bunch of them (more than 10, I didn’t take my boots off) which makes me feel better about the upcoming hurricane season.

I spent some time spreading a snake repellent that was highly recommended online and found at Ace. Afterward I was nearly regretting it since it has a moth ball smell mixed with some foul odor I didn’t even want to identify. The smell went away after a couple of hours or maybe every smell sensor I had is now fried.

As I was spreading it I thought “I wonder if this works?” Then I thought “How would I know?” It’s kind of like vampire repellent. Do you see any? In truth this came up in a conversation with a good friend but it sounds better when I tell it this way.

Then I went on my regular walk about. This is where I walk some of the property and the road in front. Ziggy loves it because he gets to run up and down the road at top speed and hopefully (in his mind) splash me with mud when passing a puddle. Not sure what he’s going to do if the mud ever dries out. Spit at me maybe. Dunno, we’ll see.

The swamp is down a lot. There’s no water flowing across the road and I could see mud for several feet on both sides instead of water. I was hearing logging going on south and west of me so I’m wondering if they have done something to open the flow up. Sometime this week I’ll take a ride that way and see if I can tell what has happened. Tomorrow morning I’ll walk to the back swamp on my property to see how far it has dropped. It would be nice if I had 5 or 6 acres drying out and available for use.

I visited hog wallow number 2 which is also drying. I might be able to IMG_20160513_092026776walk it this week without sinking up to my knees and get a feel for
how big it is. At some point I want to dig a pond. A hog wallow is an ideal place since there is no foot deep root mat to deal with.

On the way back from my walk I stopped and looked at the shack for IMG_20160505_194908463_HDRa minute. Holy crap what a dump! There’s piles of material, tools everywhere, half finished projects at every turn and no end in sight.

My priority this week is get the siding up and build a shower. I’m going to have a shower this week if I have to stand on a ladder and dump water on my head. I want to mount the water tank about 10 feet off the ground. This will mean I have a tank of water that weighs about 350 pounds ten feet up. Question is how do I tie it down so it doesn’t blow over?

First idea is to pour a pad and tie the 4x4s to the pad. Problem is I have no concrete right now. So I would have to dig and level an area, go to town, buy concrete then come back. Then mix and pour about 20 bags of concrete. That is a lot of work. A whole lot of work.

I could bury the 4x4s about 2 feet in the ground. Then in about 2 years have the whole thing collapse on my dumb ass while I was in the shower. It’s looking like I’ll have to make a concrete run this week.

It’s supposed to get down to 50 tonight. Which means that it will be in the 40s out here. I’ve lit three candles which surprisingly do very well at keeping the chill down. I set the kerosene heater out just in case. I’ll know it’s time to light it if the Boy gets in bed and dives under the covers tonight.

This morning it was pretty cold. Not light the heater cold but cold enough I didn’t mind sharing the bed with Ziggy. Boy is like an electric blanket. Then it happened. Noise on the porch!

I grabbed a pistol and headed that way. I expected Ziggy to be excited and ready to attack. All I heard was marauding raccoons and some faint snoring coming from underneath the covers. So I charged outside, shined the flashlight around and didn’t see anything except the mess they had made. Meanwhile back in bed Ziggy wasn’t in any mood to negotiate space at all. I looked at the clock and put the water on for coffee.

Tonight I have a surprise for the little democrats. I’ve blocked off part of the porch and spread mouse traps everywhere. It might not do much to deter them but at least I’ll wake up laughing.

Had a good day anyway. Walked the back part of the property and IMG_20160513_085931724the swamp is indeed down overall. The band of marsh which keeps me from getting to the back 20 acres might be dry enough soon that I can get a footbridge in. I would really like to see what is back there.

Broke out the tools, generator, air compressor and was all set to put up siding. Then disaster struck. I remembered that I’m afraid of heights. Along about noon I kicked myself in the butt and started climbing ladders. By six I had one side completely done except for a strip that I’ll do on the balcony tomorrow.

I’m planning on completing a side before I move on to the next. The new ladder is heavy as hell so moving it is a study on sweat. So I’m going to finish screwing down the top, seal the seams and paint before I move on.

I’ve become concerned about the screws holding the siding on. I didn’t learn until today that I should be using screws and liquid nails. Many of the screws are in nothing more than 1/2” plywood. So I have all these screws sticking through the walls. I’ll be putting insulation over them but feel like I should reinforce the joint somehow.

I might buy a ton of shoulder washers and a couple of quarts of fiberglass resin then just fiberglass them in. No individual joint would be all that strong but overall it would significantly increase the integrity of the wall. Might not be a bad idea to do the screw heads outside as well. A layer or two of cloth on the inside would really strengthen the joints. I don’t like working with fiberglass but the idea is really appealing.

I’ve decided to leave the first floor unfinished inside and finish out the second floor. This is based on the belief that the second floor will become living quarters and the first will be storage and guest quarters. Not that I won’t appreciate my guests comfort if I have any but a bed, a fan and Ziggy is about all anyone can expect.

Been a couple of days. Went to town Sunday night for some air conditioning, a shower and a bed that doesn’t slide around when I move. Next morning I made a quick trip to town for some material and ice (of course) then headed back to the swamp.

I have the siding complete on one side of the shack with most of the base coat of paint on. The backer board and thin set soaks the paint up like a sponge so it is going to take a lot of painting before I’m convinced that it’s well sealed. I started with some OD green then went to a gallon of khaki I had bought by mistake. (two gallons truth be told) I started pouring the remainder of the green in so I ended up with several shades of green and some khaki. Once I got to the second floor I kept going out to the road to see what a color looked like through the trees and brush.

I found out it really didn’t matter much. Just about any shade of green faded into the foliage and pretty well disappeared. Except for the window and roof line. I can paint the frame of the window and hide that but it will still be a large rectangle of glass and screen that sticks out like a sore thumb. The roof line will more or less disappear once I get the nerve to climb up there and paint the 6x6s. By the time I get to using a rattle can I’m confident I can convince the eye to look elsewhere.

I’m not expecting total stealth yet. Once the bamboo and trees grow enough my shack will be totally concealed from the road. Hopefully that will be late summer this year. If not next year for certain.

Speaking of bamboo, the giant bamboo I put in the ground about a month ago is over two feet tall now. I’ve read that under ideal conditions it can grow up to six feet a day. I’d settle for 30 feet by the end of this summer. From the looks of it that might be a realistic goal. The other plant I put in the ground about three weeks ago appears to be settling in and is beginning to show signs of growth.

It’s finally happened. I’m losing it. On my walk this morning I noticed a dragonfly on my shoulder. I thought this was a rather nice surprise so I began to talk to it. I explained that I really admired the dragonfly race and that I would really like to be sort of an ambassador to the IMG_20160508_080237789[1]dragonfly kingdom. (for anyone who doesn’t know it dragonflies are fierce hunters of mosquitoes and yellow flies) I then invited him and all his buddies to live at my shack and follow me around all they wanted. I even offered to build little dragonfly houses with a white picket fence and a station wagon with wife, kid and shaggy dog on each seat. At just about that point he fell over dead. So much for my skills as a bug whisperer.

I tried an experiment that I hoped would help rid me of stumps. I have zillions of stumps from brush sticking up and some of them are 2+ inches in diameter with as many as a dozen in a group. Below ground they are a mass of roots with thicknesses that cause a mattock to go “Sproingggg!!!” when hit.

So I thought why not build a small very hot fire over the stumps to burn them and the roots out in one fell swoop? So I tried it. I poured a couple of pounds of charcoal over the stumps, put a steel fire ring down to contain the heat and blaze then lit that sucker off. Then lit it off again. Then added some lighter knot. Then poured more lighter fluid on it and lit it again. It finally lit. And burned for 14 hours. Well, at least burned then smoked that long. By the end of the day I was all excited when running over to check the results. You can imagine how I felt when I realized I had about a dozen flame hardened stumps to deal with now. All I can figure is that the roots were able to pump enough water to the stumps to keep them from burning. Maybe I should bury a spinning hub cap under one of the stumps then let it leak to the local mezcan population that one is buried somewhere out here.

"KKK? Yeah I like them. Taste like chicken."
“KKK? Yeah I like them. Taste like chicken.”


Humming Bird Street Gangs

Back in town for a couple of days so time for an update. I spent 10 days in the swamp with two trips to town. Both trips were for material and ice. Oh, and a shower.

Greetings from the swamp. I brought my laptop out this time thinking that I would write some every day or so. Well, it’s been six days and here’s the first.

I bought the siding for about half the shack and started putting it up. I got two rows on one side nearly done and realized that this isn’t IMG_20160423_153637722going to happen without an extension ladder. So as usual the plan has to evolve for now. So I’m doing the first two rows on three sides then when a ladder is available I’ll finish. Note: As usual I didn’t get much past the bottom two rows on the first side.  Best of intentions and all but events plus the sun took over. 

To do the back side I’ll have to take the rain barrel down so I might as well build a tower to mount it on while I’m at it. While I’m doing that I’ll do the tower for the hot water tank on the east side. Then I can go ahead and build a valve manifold and outdoor shower. Which will make the Boy happy. Not that he would ever get in a shower but he’s visibly happier after I have.

.It rained hard core for two days. I’ve been putting a grape/muscadine arbor in and had three of seven rows done. This morning I went out to start again. After digging about six inches I hit water. When you hit water like that here you might as well find something else to do since as fast as you dig the hole fills. All you are doing is creating a depression from the sand running into the hole. By afternoon it was dry enough I was able to finish the hole and get another plant in. Maybe tomorrow I can get the last three in and start something else. Or maybe not. I finished the arbor but forgot to take a pic. It turned out to be six plants since the seventh succumbed to extended abuse and expired. I cremated it’s spindly little body with appropriate honors in a very touching ceremony.

Time out here loses meaning. Today I started wondering what day it was then thought “Who cares?” Then I began wondering what month it was. You guessed it, “Who cares?”

Some neighbors to the north were up for a few days. I had a great
time visiting with them and watching them spoil the Boy even more. He seems to find a way of capturing every heart he encounters and reduces grown men to that time when they all wanted a big old ugly dog to love. For my part I got a bag of goodies when they left, two really nice trees and a bowl of most excellent stew.

The trees are an avacado and a mango both over three feet tall. I was IMG_20160427_200945434very happy to get them. Now I have to find a good place to plant them. I know that with 30 acres to work with I should have no problem finding suitable planting sites but it’s not all that easy. For starters digging a hole around here isn’t as simple as just sticking a shovel in the ground. In the background you can see my wood burning stove sans legs patiently waiting to go inside. First I have to finish putting down backer board and tile. Add that to the list.

This is the swamp. Everything here is fighting tooth and nail to survive and uses every trick in the book to do so. The entire ground is a thick mat of roots that vary in size from a hair up to several inches thick. Until recently I had never thought of a sawzall as a gardening tool. Still, except for some bamboo, everything I’ve planted is thriving and shows a lot of promise. I’m hoping the location I find for the mango and avacado does well for them.

Plans for road repair are moving along. We now have three people willing to kick in cash and another willing to help with equipment. Since I made a trip to town for material yesterday I have ice for another three days so I might be able to finalize plans when I get back whatever day that is. Once I have a final price for delivery I can start lining up help to spread and set a date to kick things off.

I killed what I think was a copperhead about four feet long in front of the truck the other day. I heard the Boy carrying on and went over to see what was going on. When I got there Ziggy was running circles around the snake and trying to find an opening. Hollering at him was IMG_20160422_141844useless so I got a stick and waded in. Once I got the Boy off the snake it started booking and I started shooting. Ever try to shoot a running snake with a 45? I hit him on the third shot. By then the Boy was in the shack hiding since he’s scared to death of gunshots. I was using Oath Talon ammo which is some nasty stuff. It cut the snake nearly in half and he was still trying to get away. I went and got a 410 shotgun pistol and shot him again. That put him down for the long count finally. I put the 45 away and am carrying the 410 now.

I’m sure someone is going to look at the picture and say “That’s not a copperhead. It’s a gentle giant on the way to the 7-11 to get some Skittles and Arizona Iced Tea.” Yeah. I killed his ass. Live with it. His momma come around here bitching I’ll pop a cap in her ass as well. Since then someone knowledgeable in snakeology took a look and told me that it was in fact poisonous.

Slept in till nearly 8 this morning and did a bunch of porch sitting. It was just one of those days.

I did get the last of the muscadines planted and now have six rows of them. The water table was down to about a foot so I figured I had better get it done before the next rain. Once the plants are established I don’t anticipate ever having to water them. If anything it may be to wet for them and I’ve just wasted a decent amount of cash and labor. However, the wild muscadine vines are thriving in the same location so things could go well.

I’ve cut a couple of wild muscadines back to the ground and put in a stake for them to grow on. I want to see if they will produce grapes when pruned properly. If they do I’m living on 30 acres of muscadine plantation which could produce enough hooch to power a major city. If not I’ll have to buy more round up.

Once I start to see some grapes growing I’ll have to figure out how to keep the raccoons away. I saw a solar powered electric fence at another property today so that may be part of the solution. I really don’t want to go on a crusade and commit raccoonicide but that may end up being what I have to do. Maybe I could trap them and relocate them to somewhere they would be more welcome. Unfortunately most of the people I truly hate have Secret Service protection and I doubt I could get close enough to throw a very angry raccoon at them.

Giant Armored Dinosaur

The Boy went off today, ran in front of the truck and began making
battle sounds. Thinking “snake” I ran over while drawing my pistol. “It’s a giant armored dinosaur!” he yelled. Not hardly. I put the Boy on lock down and went back to confront the monster. By the time I got there the turtle had covered nearly

The Giant Armored Dinosaur was the one trespassing!! Why am I on lock down?
The Giant Armored Dinosaur was the one trespassing!! Why am I on lock down?

two feet and was in high gear getting out of Dodge. I gave him an assist to the other side of the road then washed my hands twice since he pissed all over them. I kept the Boy on lock down for about an hour and sat on the porch with him just in case the giant armored dinosaur returned. See, I knew I had a good reason for sitting on the porch all day.

I began work on a double sink I got out of the trash pile at the campground I stay at. This mostly consisted of taking it out of the back of the truck and staring at it for awhile. Well, I sat on the porch and stared at it. I’m thinking of mounting it on the front porch andIMG_20160429_202608144 running a drain out to a gray water collection tank. Its uses will be many. I can wash dishes instead of hauling them back to town to do. I can put up a shower curtain and take a bath instead of using a bucket. OK, its uses will be two but it will be an improvement around here.

I hooked up with a guy who just got here today and we visited a couple of properties. I have to quit that. When I see what other people have done out here it makes coming back to the shack rather depressing. Of course they are years, dollars and manpower ahead of me but it’s still hard to see what can be versus what I’ve got done so far. Maybe more work and less porch time is in order.

But then I also get a lot of good ideas from seeing what others have figured out. One guy had faced regular lumber with wood cut out from dead trees. It was skillfully done so I had to look twice before I realized what he had done. It looked great. Once inside his steel metal building you had the impression that you were in a rough cut log cabin. But that’s an idea for another day and another building. I have my hands full with the shack.

I did borrow a 16 foot ladder so I may be able to finish the siding, seal the seams and paint. I have to figure out how to get a 26 pound piece of backer board about 14 feet in the air, set it in place and screw it down while on a ladder. I had an idea for a pulley, rope and a harness on Ziggy. Then I had a vision of him spotting a tree bear and what would happen after that. I might have to sit on the porch awhile and think about this. I did just that and came up with zip. More porch time needed maybe.

I hauled a bunch of brush today and put it in the driveway and parking area. An 8000 pound truck with big mud tires is hell on wet ground and I was becoming worried that I would turn the whole area into a giant mud bog. Then I looked at an area I had just cut the brush and drove over it. It is being damaged but nowhere near as bad as the areas with no brush. It’s a bit disconcerting the first few times you drive over it and hear the snapping and crunching. But after a few trips that stops so you just add more. I’m having to go further and further to get cut brush but at least I don’t have to wait on rain to burn it. And it’s not like there is a brush shortage going on around here. I could probably pave this area with four feet of crunched brush and still have enough to build a mountain.

Another day, another,,,,,,well, another day.

I was up before the crack of dawn today and sat on the porch sipping coffee and watching the sunrise. There’s a sudden quiet when I walk outside but after a few minutes things start to crank up again. As the sun comes up things really get cooking that sometimes you just feel this urge to shout “SHUT UP!!!!” at the top of your lungs.

I had the best of intentions this morning and quickly set about assembling all the tools and materials to put up siding. I had the generator gassed, extension cords laid out, skill saw and nail gun all primed and ready to go. Then I got a text about a culvert going in and would I help. So I put everything away (actually I just piled it up on the floor of the shack), loaded Ziggy and the cooler then set off for a culvert adventure. I loaded the cooler since I figured that if I was going to drive that far out I might as well go to town and get ice.

When I got there the culvert was in, water was flowing and the road graded. So I stood around with the rest of the group and watched water flow for about 20 minutes. We speculated on how much was flowing per minute, how fast the swamp would drain, what the benefit to us would be and other such weighty matters. All in all it was an entirely unproductive but enjoyable 20 minutes. Then I was off to the big city lights and the ice machine.

On the way back out I stopped again at the new culvert and spent another useless 5 minutes watching the water flow. After all I needed to be able to make an accurate report once I got back to the swamp.

It was 5:30 by the time I got back to the shack and 96 degrees. So I tended to the ice then sat on the porch and took a nap. Score for the day: got ice, watched water flow for 25 minutes. Not a bad day all in all. Tomorrow morning I plan on siding again but there’s talk of another culvert so who knows?

The next day I had early visitors and was invited to go for a ride. So we loaded the Boy (literally, had to pick him up and set him in the devil machine) and set off. After cruising various mud holes while looking for snakes to shoot we ended up back at his place. He then said he was going to bring his tractor down and bush hog some brush for me. I quickly said yes and we were off again.

Two hours later he had cut more brush than I could cut in over two weeks. He opened up all the trails I had previously cut as well as cut a couple of new ones. Walking it afterward I noticed that the ground appeared to be smoother and realized that I was walking on mulch deposited in the low areas while he was mowing.

IMG_20160430_140831366One of the paths he extended for me was straight south to where I thought the swamp would be. He went about another 40 feet and hit a bog. Surveying it disclosed that it was a major super highway for hogs plus possibly an open air convention center. There must be at least 30 game trails inIMG_20160430_140805528 and out with more hog sign than I could count. This explains why I hear hogs all night long. In the picture, center frame, you’ll see a large brown area. This is the remains of a pile of logs about three feet high that he simply turned into dust nearly.  Going between the two trees you have IMG_20160501_072648865several feet of relatively dry ground then the hog wallow. This is actually the second hog super highway I’ve found. This one was way to wet to wade through so I’m not sure about relative size. Besides I’m the worst at judging area and distance. It could be a hundred square feet or a hundred IMG_20160501_072714839square miles. It’s all the same in my mind. It’s an area that is useless to me at this time so it might as well be on the moon. Still, once you get back to it, it is pretty. Except for the clouds of mosquitoes and yellow flies. If it wasn’t for the stench I would have dropped to the ground and rolled around in the mud just to get them off me.

I took a few pics from the road just to see how stealthy my IMG_20160424_074517660construction has been. Though it seems that I stick out like a sore thumb I’m actually pleased with the results. In these pics you are seeing the second floor minus siding and camo paint. I also have bamboo planted betweenIMG_20160424_074553068_HDR the road and the shack which will further hide it once established. Since the shack won’t be moving I can paint it to match the brush thus further hiding it. Not much I can do about the windows but I can attach some tree IMG_20160315_114718908[1]limbs with spanish moss to help disguise them. If I were starting to build today I would build 100 feet further in and about the same further south. But hey, I had to start somewhere.

Two nights ago I was invited to dinner at another neighbors place. Of everyone I’ve ever met he is undoubtedly the most self sufficient. I was given the nickle tour and was constantly impressed with the detail that he had went to in building his place. I didn’t want to appear to be to inquisitive so I restrained my curiosity and only asked about ten thousand questions. I’m hoping for another invitation sometime in the future so I can do a detailed examination of the hidden works and inner mechanisms of his systems.

I also had another most excellent meal.

Send baloney or Santa is toast! Zigg,,,,uh,,,,Abdool